We’ve added a
new comments page on the Yad Vashem site with a selection of stories like these alongside their respective photographs. We’ve also been updating the site with new features and content. For example, to provide better geographical context to pictures in the collection, you’ll now see a small map to the right of the image whenever geographic data is available, such as in
this photo of a man in Warsaw, Poland. We also added new footage of the
Eichmann trial—a central event in our understanding of the Holocaust during which searing personal testimony from many Holocaust survivors was broadcast on television for the first time, reaching far more people than ever before and enabling people to begin to grapple with the Holocaust’s truths and its memory. You can view this trial now on two YouTube channels, one with
the original soundtrack and the other dubbed in
English. The channels consist of 474 videos, 400+ hours of video and 875 gigabytes of data. You can learn more about the significance of these trials from short video lectures and a film entitled "A Living Record" on a special