Rich snippets for shopping sitesIn time for the holiday season, we now support rich snippets for shopping sites! Rich snippets are search results that have been enhanced using structured data from webpages. When you’re looking for something to buy, you’ll start seeing a new search result format with product price, availability and reviews. Here’s an example from a search for an [
office lava lamp]:

This feature is currently available in the U.S., but we’ll be rolling it out in new countries soon. For more details, read our post on the
Webmaster Central blog.
This week in searchesWith the end of daylight savings time (which happens this weekend in the U.S.), in many parts of the world people were thinking about time this week. Between the U.S. elections, Halloween and, of course, the World Series, there was plenty to schedule. We all know the Giants won the title, but who won the search trends battle? Watch this week’s
Google Beat to find out.
Thanks for sharing a few minutes to learn more about the latest in search. Oh, and don’t forget to set your clocks back an hour this Sunday!
Posted by Ben Gomes, Distinguished Engineer